Experiment (November 1928 - Spring 1931)
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Title: Experiment
Editor: William Empson, Jacob Bronowski, Hugh Sykes, Humphrey Jennings.
Place of publication: Cambridge.
Publisher: Nos. 1-2: Cambridge University Press; Nos. 4-7: G. F. Noxon, Trinity College, Cambridge/G. F. Noxton, 68a St. Andrew's Street, Cambridge
Date: November 1928 - Spring 1931
Volume and issue data: Nos. 1-7
Frequency of publication: Quarterly-Irregular
Price: One Shilling and Sixpence
Size: 8 3/8ins. X 5 1/2ins. (21.3cm x 14.5cm)
Location: UK: British Library, Cambridge University Library, National Library of Scotland (lacking No. 7), University College London (Nos. 1-5); USA: Harvard University Library, New York Public Library (Nos.: 1-6), University of Texas, Yale University Library (Nos.: 1, 6, & 7).
Note: editors varied over the period of the magazine's life.
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Magazine issues: No. 1, No. 2, No. 3, No. 4, No. 5, No. 6, No. 7.