The Criterion Vol. 4, No. 4 (October 1926)
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Title: The Criterion
Issue: Vol. 4, No. 4
Editor: T. S. Eliot.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: Faber and Gwyer Ltd.
Date: October 1926

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Previous issue: Vol. 4, No. 3 Next issue: Vol. 5, No. 1

Editor, 'A Commentary', Editorial, pp. 627 - 629
W. A. Thorpe, 'Thucydides and the Discipline of Detachment', Essay, pp. 630 - 644
Ramon Fernandez, F. S. Flint (translator), 'The Experience of Newman: Reply to Frederic Manning', Essay, pp. 645 - 658
Orlo Willims, 'Capitaine Ensorceleur', Story, pp. 659 - 672
Herbert Read, 'The Lament of Saint Denis', Poem, pp. 673 - 679
T. Sturge Moore, 'A Poet and his Technique', Essay, pp. 680 - 693
Richard Church, 'Catching the Bus', Poem, p. 694
Ezra Pound, 'Antheil, 1924-1926', Essay, pp. 695 - 699
Lewis Melville, 'On an Unreprinted Article by Thackeray', Essay, pp. 700 - 712
T. S. Eliot, 'Fragment of a Prologue', Poem, pp. 713 - 718
J. B. Trend, 'Music: The International Festival at Zurich', Essay, pp. 719 - 725
Max Rychner, 'German Chronicle', Essay, pp. 726 - 732
Gilbert Seldes, 'New York Chronicle', Essay, pp. 733 - 740
L. St. Senan, 'The Ballet', Essay, pp. 741 - 745
'Books of the Quarter', Section
T. S. Eliot, 'Herbert Read:Reason and Romanticism', Review, pp. 751 - 757
        "         , 'Ramon Fernandez: Messages', Review, pp. 751 - 757
W. A. Thorpe, 'Wyndham Lewis: The Art of Being Ruled', Review, pp. 758 - 764
        "         , 'Graham Wallas: The Art of Thought', Review, pp. 758 - 764
        "         , 'Lewis Rockow: Contemporary Political Thought in England', Review, pp. 758 - 764
        "         , 'R. H. Murray: The History of Political Science from Plato to the Present', Review, pp. 758 - 764
Bonamy Dobrée, 'Jean Cocteau: A Call to Order', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Le Rappel à L'Ordre', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Plain-Chant', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Le Potomak', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Thomas L'Imposteur', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Le Grand Ecart', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: L'Ange Heurtebise', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Lettre à Jacques Maritain', Review, pp. 764 - 768
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Orphée', Review, pp. 764 - 768
F. S. Flint, 'Robert Bridges:New Verse', Review, pp. 768 - 772
Conrad Aiken, 'F. Scott Fitzgerald: The Great Gatsby', Review, pp. 773 - 776
        "         , 'F. Scott Fitzgerald: All the Sad Young Men', Review, pp. 773 - 776
        "         , 'Ring W. Lardner: Gullible's Travels', Review, pp. 773 - 776
        "         , 'Ring W. Lardner: How to Write Short Stories', Review, pp. 773 - 776
        "         , 'Anita Loos: Gentlemen Prefer Blondes', Review, pp. 773 - 776
Herbert Read, 'Henry Bett: Johannes Scotus Erigena', Review, pp. 776 - 782
John Shand, 'Joseph Conrad: Last Essays', Review, pp. 782 - 785
George Rylands, 'Walter de la Mare: Henry Brocken', Review, pp. 785 - 787
        "         , 'Walter de la Mare: The Return', Review, pp. 785 - 787
        "         , 'Walter de la Mare: Memoirs of a Midget', Review, pp. 785 - 787
        "         , 'Walter de la Mare: The Connoisseur', Review, pp. 785 - 787
A. W. G. Randal, 'Besorgt von Rudolf Borchardt: Ewiger Vorrat Deutscher Poesie', Review, pp. 787 - 789
'J. B. Trend: Alfonso the Sage', Review, pp. 789 - 790
'A. E. Powell: The Romantic Theory of Poetry', Review, pp. 790 - 791
'William Wordsworth: The Prelude, or Growth of a Poet's Mind', Review, p. 791
'S. S. Koteliansky, Ed.: Dostoevsky portrayed by his Wife', Review, pp. 791 - 792
'F. S. Boas and C. H. Herford, Eds.: The Year's Work in English Studies', Review, p. 792
Various, 'Foreign Reviews - Periodicals', Reviews, pp. 793 - 813