The Studio Vol. I No. 3 (June 1893)
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Title: The Studio
Subtitle: An Illustrated Magazine of Fine and Applied Art
Issue: Vol. I No. 3
Author: J. W. Gleeson White.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: The Studio, 16 Henrietta Street, Covent Garden, London
Date: June 1893
Price: Sixpence
Size: 11 3/16ins x 8ins (28.5cm x 20.5cm)

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Previous issue: Vol. I No. 2

A. R. Dresser, 'Towing', photograph, p. 86
Andrew Pringle, 'The Naissance of Art in Photography', essay, pp. 87 - 95
Adam Diston, 'The Student', photograph, p. 91
Henry P. Robinson, '"Who Could Have Sent It?"', photograph, p. 93
The Editor, 'Is the Camera the Friend or Foe of Art?', essay, pp. 96 - 99
Various Eminent Authorities, 'Is the Camera the Friend or Foe of Art?', pp. 99 - 102 [Responses to a Questionnaire]
W. Gloëden, 'Sicilian Youths', photograph, p. 103
'The Nude in Photography', essay, pp. 104 - 108
Baron Corvo, '"From a Photograph by Baron Corvo"', photograph, p. 104
W. Gloëden, '"From a Study in the Open Air"', photograph, p. 105
Baron Corvo, '"From a Photograph by Baron Corvo"', photograph, p. 106
'"From a Photograph"', photograph, p. 107
A. L. Baldry, 'The Grafton Galleries', review, pp. 109 - 110
A. Besnard, Will Rotherstein (translator), 'The Royal Academy (Second Letter)', essay, pp. 110 - 114
D. M., 'Scotch Art Notes', notes, pp. 114 - 115
E. J. E., 'The Continental Gallery', review, p. 115
Arthur G. Bell, 'Sketching Grounds. No. III. - Holland', essay, pp. 116 - 121
'New Books on Art', review, pp. 122 - 125
'Catalogues Received', review, p. 125
The Lay Figure, 'The Lay Figure Speaks', editorial, p. 126
'The Studio Calendar', calendar, p. 127 [Calendar of Art Events]
'The Studio Prize Competitions', competition, p. 128