Twentieth Century Verse No. 12/13 (October 1938)
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Title: Twentieth Century Verse
Issue: No. 12/13
Editor: Julian Symons.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: Julian Symons, 9 Cedars Road, London
Date: October 1938
Note: double issue.

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Previous issue: No. 11 Next issue: No. 14

Julian Symons, 'How Wide is the Atlantic or Do You Believe in America?', pp. 80 - 84
Allen Tate, 'Eclogue of the Liberal and The Liberal Poet', pp. 85 - 86
Conrad Aiken, 'The Four Appearances', pp. 87 - 89
Wallace Stevens, 'Connoisseur of Chaos', p. 90
Theodore Spencer, 'Eclogue', p. 91
John Peale Bishop, 'The Statue of Shadow', p. 92
        "         , 'Colloquy with a King-Crab', pp. 92 - 93
Phelps Putnam, 'Political Lyric', p. 93
Howard Baker, 'A Letter from the Country', pp. 94 - 95
R. P. Blackmur, 'On Excited Knees', p. 96
        "         , 'World Aback', p. 96
Delmore Schwartz, 'Imitation of a Fugue', p. 97
Yvor Winters, 'The Cremation E.H.L.: 1866-1938', p. 98
        "         , 'Much in Little', p. 98
John Berryman, 'The Trial', p. 99
Kenneth Fearing, 'Take a Letter', p. 100
        "         , 'C Stands for Civilisation', p. 101
Samuel French Morse, 'Quaking Bog', p. 102
W. R. Moses, 'Angina Pectoris', pp. 102 - 103
        "         , 'Hunter's Evening', p. 103
Reuel Denney, 'The Children', p. 104
William Fitzgerald, 'Wild Life is Beautiful on Platters', p. 105
Theodore Roethke, 'The Victims', pp. 105 - 106
William Maas, 'The Kind Look', p. 106
Mark van Doran, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 107
William Carlos Williams, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 109
Yvor Winters, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 111
Wallace Stevens, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 112
Allen Tate, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 112
Marianne Moore, 'Answer to an Enquiry', p. 114
'Notes on Contributors', pp. 114 - 116