Samhain No. 4 (December, 1904)
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Title: Samhain
Subtitle: An Occasional Review
Issue: No. 4
Editor: W. B. Yeats.
Place of publication: London, Dublin.
Publisher: Sealy, Bryers, and Walker, Middle Abbey Street, Dublin; T. Fisher Unwin, London
Date: December, 1904

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Previous issue: No. 3 Next issue: No. 5

W. B. Yeats, 'The Dramatic Movement', essay, pp. 3 - 11
        "         , 'First Principles', essay, pp. 12 - 23
        "         , 'The Play, the Player, and the Scene', essay, pp. 24 - 33
J. M. Synge, 'In the Shadow of the Glen', play, pp. 34 - 44
Lady Gregory, 'The Rising of the Moon', play, pp. 45 - 52
'Miss Horniman’s Offer of Theatre and the Society’s Acceptance', letter, pp. 53 - 54
'An Opinion', p. 55