Beltaine No. 2 (February, 1900)
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Title: Beltaine
Subtitle: The Organ of the Irish Literary Theatre
Issue: No. 2
Date: February, 1900

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Previous issue: No. 1 Next issue: No. 3

The Editor [W. B. Yeats], 'Plans and Methods', pp. 3 - 6
George Moore, 'Is the Theatre a Place of Amusement?', essay, pp. 7 - 10
Edward Martyn, 'A Comparison between English and Irish Theatrical Audiences', essay, pp. 11 - 13
W. B. Yeats, 'Maive; and Certain Irish Beliefs', essay, pp. 14 - 17
Alice Milligan, 'The Last Feast of the Fianna', play, pp. 18 - 21
W. B. Yeats, 'The Irish Literary Theatre, 1900', essay, pp. 22 - 24
Augusta Gregory, 'Last Year', p. 25