The Criterion Vol. 3, No. 12 (July 1925)
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Title: The Criterion
Issue: Vol. 3, No. 12
Editor: T. S. Eliot.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: Cobden Sanderson Ltd
Date: July 1925

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Previous issue: Vol. 3, No. 11 Next issue: Vol. 4, No. 1

T. E. Hulme, 'Notes on Language and Style', Essay, pp. 485 - 497
James Joyce, 'Fragment of an Unpublished Work', Story, pp. 498 - 510
I. A. Richards, 'A Background for Contemporary Poetry', Essay, pp. 511 - 528
D. H. Lawrence, 'The Woman Who Rode Away', Story, pp. 529 - 542
Paul Jacobsthal, G. C. Caffrey (translator), 'Views and Valuations of Ancient Art Since Winkelmann', Essay, pp. 543 - 556
Fanny Marlow, 'Fête Galante', Story, pp. 557 - 563
J. B. Trend, 'Music: The Spanish Idiom', Essay, pp. 564 - 569
Violet Ray, 'The Theatre', Essay, pp. 570 - 574
L. St. Senan, 'The Ballet', Essay, pp. 575 - 576
'Books of the Quarter', Section
X. X., 'Stephen Gaselee, chosen by: An Anthology of Mediaeval Latin', Review, pp. 577 - 579
W. A. Thorpe, 'R. G. Collingwood: Speculum Mentis, or the Map of Knowledge', Review, pp. 579 - 583
        "         , 'R. G. Collingwood: Outlines of a Philosophy of Art', Review, pp. 579 - 583
Edwin Muir, 'Conrad Aiken: Bring! Bring!', Review, pp. 583 - 584
H. P. Collins, 'Humbert Wolfe: The Unknown Goddess', Review, pp. 584 - 586
        "         , 'Virginia Woolf: The Common Reader', Review, pp. 586 - 588
Richard Aldington, 'Marianne Moore: Observations', Review, pp. 588 - 594
        "         , 'Jean Cocteau: Poésie', Review, pp. 588 - 594
J. MacAlpine, 'C. Delisle Burns: Industry and Civilisation', Review, pp. 594 - 596
F. S. F., 'Mario Praz: La Fortuna di Byron in Inghilterra', Review, p. 596
Various, 'Foreign Reviews - Periodicals', Review, pp. 597 - 606