Samhain No. 7 (November, 1908)
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Title: Samhain
Subtitle: An Occasional Review
Issue: No. 7
Editor: W. B. Yeats.
Place of publication: London, Dublin.
Publisher: Maunsel and Co., Ltd., 60 Dawson St., Dublin; T. Fisher Unwin, London
Date: November, 1908

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Previous issue: No. 6

Robert Gregory, 'Sara Allgood', illustration
W. B. Yeats, 'Events', pp. 1 - 5
        "         , 'First Principles', essay, pp. 6 - 12
Robert Gregory, 'Arthur Sinclair: As James II in “The White Cockade”', illustration
Lady Gregory, 'Dervorgilla', play, pp. 13 - 27
W. B. Yeats, 'Alterations in “Dierdre”', play, pp. 28 - 33