The Book of Winter (1896-1897) - Issue gallery
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Title: The Book of Winter
Date: 1896-1897
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N. Baxter, 'Almanac'
J. Arthur Thomson, 'The Biology of Winter', pp. 8 - 18
James Cadenhead, 'A Cottage in a Wood', pp. 19 - 20
George Douglas, 'A Winter Song', p. 21
Edward B. Koster, 'Impressions of Winter', pp. 22 - 27
Rosa Mulholland, 'Winter', pp. 28 - 32
A. G. Sinclair, 'A Winter Harvest', pp. 33 - 34
J. H. Pearce, 'Fantasies: I. A Year and a Day', pp. 35 - 38
        "         , 'Fantasies: II. An Odd Coincidence', pp. 39 - 42
Fiona Macleod, 'When the Dew is Falling', p. 43
Katherine Tynan, 'The Mother of Jesus', pp. 44 - 48
Andrew K. Womrath, 'Madonna and Child with St. John', pp. 49 - 50
W. J. Robertson, 'Symbols', pp. 51 - 52
Elizabeth A. Sharp, 'Frost', pp. 53 - 60
Nimmo Christie, 'Between the Ages', pp. 61 - 62
Paul Desjardins, 'Il Neige', p. 63
John Duncan, 'The Sphinx', pp. 64 - 66
Hugo C. Laubach, 'The Dream', p. 67
W. M., 'The Fulfilment', p. 68
Edith Wingate Rinder, 'Sant Efflamm and King Arthur', pp. 69 - 74
Nora Hopper, 'All Souls’ Day', pp. 75 - 76
W. G. Burn Murdoch, 'Winter', pp. 77 - 78
Elie Reclus, 'Pourquoi des Guirlandes Vertes à Noël', pp. 79 - 90
Douglas Hyde, 'Christmas Alms', pp. 91 - 96
Charles H. Mackie, 'By the Bonnie Banks O’Fordie', pp. 97 - 98
Fiona Macleod, 'The Love-Kiss of Dermid and Grainne', pp. 99 - 100
Standish O’Grady, 'Dermot’s Spring', pp. 101 - 105
Catherine A. Janvier, 'A Devolution of Terror', pp. 106 - 112
Robert Burns, 'Aslavga’s Knight', pp. 113 - 114
W. Cuthbertson, 'Grierson of Lag', pp. 115 - 117
Fiona Macleod, 'The Snow-Sleep of Angus Ogue', pp. 118 - 124
Andrew K. Womrath, 'St. Simeon Stylites', pp. 125 - 126
Sarah Robertson Matheson, 'The Chief’s Blood in Me', p. 127
Margaret Thomson, 'The Story of Castaille Dubh', pp. 128 - 131
M. C. Balfour, 'The Black Month', pp. 132 - 138
Charles H. Mackie, 'Felling Trees', pp. 139 - 140
W. Macdonald, 'The Best of All', p. 141
Patrick Geddes, 'The Megalithic Builders', pp. 142 - 152
James Cadenhead, 'Winter Landscape', pp. 153 - 154
P. G., W. M., 'Envoy', pp. 155 - 156
'Lapis Philosophorum', p. 157