Samhain No. 6 (December, 1906)
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Title: Samhain
Subtitle: An Occasional Review
Issue: No. 6
Editor: W. B. Yeats.
Place of publication: Dublin.
Publisher: Maunsel and Co., Ltd., 60 Dawson St., Dublin
Date: December, 1906

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Previous issue: No. 5 Next issue: No. 7

W. B. Yeats, 'Notes', p. 3  document images available
        "         , 'Literature and the Living Voice', essay, pp. 4 - 14  document images available
Lady Gregory, 'Hyacinth Halvey', play, pp. 15 - 35  document images available
W. B. Yeats, 'List of Plays produced by the National Theatre Society and its Forerunners', p. 36  document images available

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