Contemporary Poetry and Prose No. 6 (October 1936)
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Title: Contemporary Poetry and Prose
Issue: No. 6
Editor: Roger Roughton.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: Roger Roughton, Arts Café, 1 Parton Street, London W.C. 1
Date: October 1936
Price: Six pence
Size: 8 5/8 ins x 5 1/2 ins (22cm x 14 cm)

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Previous issue: Nos. 4 & 5 Next issue: No. 7

'Fascism Murders Art', essay, p. 106
Comte de Lautréamont, Joyce Ridley (translator), Francis Scarfe (translator), 'Les Chants de Maldoror', prose poem, pp. 106 - 113
David Gascoyne, 'Fragments from the 'Symptomatic World'', poem, pp. 113 - 115
'The Young Hunting', poem, pp. 115 - 117 [an anonymous early work]
R. B. Fuller, 'Poem', poem, p. 117
Roger Roughton, 'Lady Windermere's Fan-Dance', poem, p. 117