The Dial No. I (1889)
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Title: The Dial
Subtitle: An Occasional Publication
Issue: No. I
Editor: Charles de Sousy Ricketts, Charles Haslewood Shannon.
Place of publication: London.
Publisher: L. Hacon and C. S. Ricketts, 52 Warwick Street, Regent Street, London
Date: 1889
Price: 10 Shillings
Size: 13 7/8 ins (35.2cm) x 11ins (28m)

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Next issue: No. II

C. Ricketts, 'Illustration to The Great Worm ', illustration, AA
'Puvis de Chavannes', pp. 1 - 4
C. H. Shannon, 'Return of the Prodigal', illustration, AB
        "         , 'A Simple Story', pp. 5 - 8
Reginald Savage, 'The Miracle of the Roses', illustration, AC
John Gray, 'Les Goncourt', pp. 9 - 13
C. H. Shannon, 'The Queen of Sheba', illustration, AD
John Gray, 'The Great Worm', pp. 14 - 18
C. Ricketts, 'Illustration to The Great Worm ', illustration, AE
        "         , 'A Glimpse of Heaven', pp. 19 - 22
C. H. Shannon, 'Illustration to A Glimpse of Heaven ', illustration, AF
R. Savage, 'Notes', pp. 23 - 26
C. H. Shannon, 'Circe the Enchantress', illustration, AG
C. Ricketts, 'The Cup of Happiness', pp. 27 - 33
'Sensations', pp. 34 - 36